How much is Flights from Nigeria to Canada (2022)


Cost of Flights from Nigeria to Canada? Are you looking to travel to Canada soon or looking for information about how much flight ticket cost from Nigeria to Canada You are in the right place. Before planning a trip to Canada, it is always necessary to know about the basic facts about the Unites States including accommodation, transportation and most importantly, flight ticket price. Usually, people travelling from Nigeria always have various flight ticket options they can choose from due to the various airlines available.

Here, we will take a look at basic information you’d need when travelling to Canada, focusing mainly on the prices of flight tickets from various airlines in Nigeria. We will consider various packages available on these airlines and things to expect in Canada.

Flight Ticket Price from Nigeria to Canada

Whenever you are travelling to Canada, whether for business or personal reasons, one of the most important factors to consider is the prices of flight ticket from international airports in Nigeria to Canada. The prices of flight ticket vary. Just like for and in any other country, it is possible to book two flight tickets within the space of 30 minutes and they’d both vary in prices. In fact, the variation in prices can be as heavy as N300, 000 or even more in certain cases.

Most of the time, the variation in prices of fight is due to the time and period the flight is booked and day and time the flight is scheduled to take off. Some delicate factors like fuel price and currency exchange rate are technical factors that affect the prices of flight tickets. Other factors like time and day of flight also affect the prices of flight tickets. Canada is among the most visited countries in the world and a lot of people fly in from different parts of the world for vacations. During these periods, especially towards the end of the year where there’d be heavy movement of people to and fro the country, prices of tickets to Canada seem to be on the rise.

This variation in prices of flight tickets from Nigeria to Canada has made purchasing of flight ticket delicate and one of the most important factors to note when travelling to Canada. Various airlines offer various flight ticket packages. Although there are usually only slight difference between these packages, there is always a significant difference in the prices between these packages. There is also a difference between one way ticket and return ticket.

It should be noted that while one way tickets are available from Nigeria to Canada, this isn’t usually/always given because it is expected you book your return ticket even before you leave the country. One way ticket involve only a flight from Nigeria to Canada only while return ticket includes flight from Nigeria to Canada and back to Nigeria. Usually, for return ticket, the number of days involved is a determining factor of how cheap or expensive the ticket will be.

To be safe, it is always necessary to check prices of flight ticket from Nigeria to Canada on various airline portals and compare the prices. After checking cheap air fares, book cheap flight online through authorized travel agents and get the best rate.

Let us now take a look at prices of flight ticket from Nigeria to Canada for different airlines. Due to the very broad options of airlines available, we will focus on prices of flight of popular airlines from Lagos to Toronto.

Air France

  • Economy: N500, 000 – N880, 000
  • Business Class: N1, 800, 000 – N2, 000, 000


  • Economy: N500, 000 – N680, 000
  • Business Class: N800, 000 – N1, 200, 000

Lufthansa Airways

  • Economy: N800, 000 – N980, 000
  • Business Class: N1, 600, 000 – N2, 100, 000

Delta Lines Air

  • Economy: N480, 000 – N550, 000

British Airways

  • Economy: N550, 000 – N800, 000
  • Business Class: N1, 700, 000 – N2, 200, 000

Turkish Airlines

  • Economy: N700, 000 – N1, 000, 000

KLM Royal Dutch

  • Economy: N500, 000 – N900, 000
  • Business Class: N1, 990, 000 – N2, 500, 000

Ethiopian Air

  • Economy: N590, 000 – N800, 000
  • Business Class: N1, 600, 000 – N2, 000, 000

United Airlines

  • Economy: N550, 000 – N900, 000

Please note that the flight prices listed above is only for return flight ticket from Nigeria to Canada. We focused on prices of flight strictly from the Murtala Mohammed International Airport in Lagos to international Airport in Toronto.

These prices listed above are liable to change at any time. Prices of air flight can be very unpredictable. The variation is as a result of some factors which include fuel prices and currency exchange rate that that period. To be safe, please enquire about the actual price of flight ticket when you are ready to travel.

How long does it take to fly from Nigeria to Canada?

There is no particular or established duration of flight from Nigeria to Canada. There are varying numbers and types of stopovers from Nigeria to Canada and the duration of the whole flight vary from place to place and based on stopovers.

There are also various routes from Nigeria to Canada. While some of these routes are fast, some others can be slow. Note that the numbers of stopovers and duration of the whole trip also affect the eventual prices of tickets. Let us consider estimated duration of flight from Nigeria to Canada for various routes.

  • Time of flight from Lagos to Toronto via London: Estimated time – 18 hours 40 minutes
  • Time of flight from Lagos to Toronto via Dubai: Estimated time – 23 hours 55 minutes

The fastest non-stop flight from Lagos to Toronto takes about 18 hours and some few minutes. However, some airlines can even take up to 33 hours from Lagos to Toronto depending on the numbers of stopovers and waiting duration.

The article above answers lots of questions relating to flight tickets from Nigeria to Canada. With Canada being among the most visited countries in the world, this information will give you a broad idea of what to expect as regards flight ticket.

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