Intel 5.5 GHz Processor i9-12900KS Seen on Geekbench

Intel 5.5 Ghz Processor I9-12900Ks Appeared On Geekbench

Intel 5.5 GHz processor i9-12900KS appeared on Geekbench, multi-core performance increased by 10%.

According to BenchLeaks, the i9-12900KS released by Intel at CES has now appeared on the Geekbench benchmarking platform. Compared with the standard i9-12900K, the performance has been improved.

Intel 5.5 Ghz Processor I9-12900Ks Appeared On Geekbench

The Intel Core i9-12900KS scored 2,101 points in the single-core test and 18,969 points in the multi-thread test . For comparison, the standard i9-12900K has a single-core score of 1998 and a multi-core score of 17,151. This means that the higher frequency and power consumption i9-12900KS is 5% and 10% faster than the standard version in single-core/multi-core tests.

Intel 5.5 Ghz Processor I9-12900Ks Appeared On Geekbench

According to @momomo_us, the detailed parameters of the i9-12900KS are: 16 cores and 24 threads, the base frequency is 3.4 GHz, the turbo frequency is 5.5 GHz, the base power consumption is 150W, and the maximum power is 260W. Compared with the i9-12900K currently on sale, the base frequency of the i9-12900KS is 200MHz higher, the maximum turbo frequency is 300MHz higher, the basic power consumption is 25W higher, and the maximum power consumption is 19W higher.

At CES, Intel said that the processor can sustain more than 5GHz with all large cores during multi-core workloads and 5.2 GHz with all large cores during gaming workloads.

Intel said the chip is already in production and is ready to be released to OEM customers later this quarter, and is expected to be presented primarily in high-end branded gaming consoles.

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